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​Journal Publications (2020-2024)

  • Ravichandran R, Patton JL, and Park H, “Electrotactile proprioception training improves finger control accuracy and potential mechanism is proprioceptive recalibration,” Scientific Reports, Nov. 2024.

  • Choi K, Choe Y, and Park H, “Reinforcement learning may demystify the Limited Human Motor Learning Efficacy due to Visual-Proprioceptive Mismatch,” International Journal of Neural Systems, Apr. 2024.

  • Krishna R, Kim J, Chang SH, Choe Y, and Park H, “Proportional Sway-Based Electrotactile Feedback Improves Lateral Standing Balance,” Frontiers in Neuroscience, 18:1249783, Mar. 2024.

  • Oh S, Yoon B, and Park H, “Location-based Electrotactile Feedback Localizes Hitting Point in Virtual-Reality Table Tennis Game,” Biomedical Engineering Letters, 1-2, Feb. 2024.

  • Dollahon D and Park H, “Internal Model with Interaction Gain Explains Plantar Ground Reaction Force Changes According to the Plantar Surface Area,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 24(3), 3888-3897, Feb. 2024.

  • Manoharan S and Park H, “Characterization of perception by transcutaneous electrical Stimulation in terms of tingling intensity and temporal dynamics,” Biomedical Engineering Letters, 14(1), 35-44, Jan. 2024.

  • Lee HS, Eom K, Park M, Ku SB, Lee K, Kim T, Kim T, Shon YM, Park H, Lee HM, “A Multi-Channel Neural Recording System With Neural Spike Scan and Adaptive Electrode Selection for High-Density Neural Interface,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. Apr. 2023.

  • Park H, Klishko AN, Oh K, Zhang C, Grenga G, Herrin KR, Dalton IV, JF, Kistenberg RS, Lemay MA, Pitkin M, DeWeerth SP, and Prilutsky BI, “Electrical stimulation of distal tibial nerve during stance phase of walking may reverse effects of unilateral paw pad anesthesia in the cat," Motor Control, 27(1):71-95, Oct. 2022.

  • Kim J, Ham Y, and Park H, “Underground Metal Pipeline Localization using Low-cost Wireless Magnetic Sensor Array Mounted on an Excavator," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Oct. 2022.

  • Das H, Park H, "MCU-less biphasic electrical stimulation circuit for miniaturized neuromodulator," Biomedical Engineering Letters, Aug. 2022.

  • Jiang B, Kim J, and Park H, “Palatal Electrotactile Display Outperforms Visual Display in Tongue Motor learning," IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Mar. 2022.

  • Lee J, Ham Y, Park H, and Kim J, “Challenges, Tasks, and Opportunities in Teleoperation of Excavator towards Human-in-the-loop Construction Automation," Automation in Construction, 135:104119, Mar. 2022.

  • Mooti R and Park H, “Contribution of Cervical Proprioception, Vision, and Vestibular Feedback on Reducing Dynamic Head-Trunk Orientation Error in the Yaw Direction," Frontiers in Neuroscience, 1849, Jan. 2022.

  • Dollahon D, Ryu S, and Park H, “Pinching Force Changes by Modulating the Interaction Gain over the Fingertip," IEEE Access, Jan. 2022.

  • Kim J, Knox D, and Park H, “Forehead Tactile Hallucination Is Augmented by the Perceived Risk and Accompanies Increase of Forehead Tactile Sensitivity," Sensors, 21(24):8246, Dec. 2021.

  • Barreto L, Shon A, Knox D, Song H, Park H, and Kim J, “Motorized Treadmill and Optical Recording System for Gait Analysis of Grasshoppers," Sensors, 21(17):5953, Sep. 2021.

  • Tang S, Yang X, Shajudeen P, Sears C, Taraballi F, Weiner B, Tasciotti E, Dollahon D, Park H, and Righetti, R. “A CNN-based method to reconstruct 3-D spine surfaces from US images in vivo,” Medical Image Analysis, 102221, Sep. 2021.

  • Rangwani R and Park H. “A New Approach of Inducing Proprioceptive Illusion by Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation,” Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, May 2021.

  • Shon A, Brakel K, Hook M, and Park H. “Fully Implantable Plantar Cutaneous Augmentation System for Rats using Closed-loop Electrical Nerve Stimulation,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Apr. 2021.

  • Park B, Biswas S, and Park H. “Electrical Characterization of the Tongue and the Soft Palate using Lumped-Element Model for Intraoral Neuromodulation,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Apr. 2021.

  • Pitkin M, Cassidy C, Shevtsov M, Jarrell J, Park H, Farrell B, Dalton J, Childers WL, Kistenberg RS, Oh K, Klishko AN, and Prilutsky BI. “Recent Progress in Animal Studies of the Skin- and Bone-integrated Pylon With Deep Porosity for Bone-Anchored Limb Prosthetics With and Without Neural Interface,” Military Medicine, 186:688-695, Jan. 2021.

  • Shon A, Brakel K, Hook M, and Park H. “Closed-loop Plantar Cutaneous Augmentation by Electrical Nerve Stimulation could increase Ankle Plantarflexion at Treadmill Walking,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Jan. 2021.

  • Azbell J, Park J, Chang S-H, Engelen MP, and Park H. “Plantar or Palmar Tactile Augmentation Improves Lateral Postural Balance with Significant Influence from Cognitive Load,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering , Nov. 2020 (Featured article).

  • Latash EM, Barnett WH, Park H, Rider JM, Klishko AN, Prilutsky BI, and Molkov YI. “Frontal plane dynamics of the centre of mass during quadrupedal locomotion on a split-belt treadmill,” Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 30;17(170):20200547, Sep. 2020.

  • Jiang B, Kim J, and Park H. “A New Approach of Minimizing Midas Touch Problem for a Tracer-Free Tongue-Controlled Assistive Technology,” IEEE Sensors journal, vol. 21, no. 1, Aug. 2020.

  • Park JK, Deutz DE, Cruthirds CL, Kirschner SK, Park H, Madigan ML, and Engelen MP, “Risk Factors for Postural and Functional Balance Impairment in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,” Journal of Clinical Medicine, Feb. 2020.

  • Zhao A, Yeo M, Manoharan S, Ryu S, and Park H, “Electrically-Evoked Artificial Proximity Sensation Enhanced Fine Finger Control in Telerobotic Pinch,” Scientific Reports: Special issue on Neuroprosthetics in Systems Neuroscience and Medicine, 13;10(1):1-2, Jan. 2020.

​Conference Publications with proceeding (2020-2024)

  • Cho M, Kang M, Um M, Park H, Lee HM, “CMOS Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neurons with Local Dynamic Biasing and Inhibitory Self-Oscillation,” proceedings of the IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, pp. 1-5, Oct. 2023.

  • Jiang B, Dollahon D, Manoharan, S, Oh S, Park H, and Kim J, “Improving Tongue Command Accuracy: Unlocking the Power of Electrotactile Feedback Training,” proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Jul. 2023.

  • Shon A, Stefanov A, Hook M, and Park H, “Edge AI-Based Closed-Loop Peripheral Nerve Stimulation System for Gait Rehabilitation after Spinal Cord Injury,” proceedings of the IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, Apr. 2023.

  • Manoharan S, Oh S, Jiang B, Patton J, and Park H, “Electro-prosthetic E-skin Successfully Delivers Finger Aperture Distance by Electro-Prosthetic Proprioception (EPP),” proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Jul. 2022.

  • Oh S, Patton J, and Park H, “Electro-prosthetic E-skin Successfully Delivers Elbow Joint Angle Information by Electro-prosthetic Proprioception (EPP),” proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Jul. 2022.

  • D Liu, Y Ham, J Kim, Park H, “Towards a Collaborative Future in Construction Robotics: A Human-centered Study in a Multi-user Immersive Operation and Communication System for Excavation,” proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2022.

  • Dollahon D, Ryu S, and Park H, “A Computational Internal Model to Quantify the Effect of Sensorimotor Augmentation on Motor Output,” proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Jul. 2020.

  • Lee H, Park H, and Lee H, “A Multi-Channel Neural Recording System with Adaptive Electrode Selection for High-Density Neural Interface,” proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Jul. 2020.

Oral/Poster Presentations at International Conferences (2020-2024)

  • Krishna R, Kim J, Choe Y, and Park H, “Proportional-mode Distance-Based Electrotactile Display Improved Lateral Balance,” The US-KOREA Conference on Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship (UKC), Dec. 2021.

  • Dollahon D and Park H, “Internal Model with Interaction Gain and Feedback Contribution Successfully Interprets Weight Distribution According to the Asymmetry in Plantar Pressure,” Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (SfN), Nov. 2021.

  • Jiang B, Kim J, and Park H, “Both Tactile and Visual Feedback Improves Tongue Motor Ability in Pointing the Target on Palatal Surface, but Only Tactile Feedback Led to Stronger Retention,” Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (SfN), Nov. 2021.

  • Manoharan S and Park H, “Alternating Rhythmic Finger Tapping is Strongly Correlated with Rudimentary Grasping Pattern,” Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (SfN), Nov. 2021.

  • Ravichandran R, Patton J, and Park H, “A Novel Electro-prosthetic Proprioception Reduces Visual-Proprioceptive Matching Error for Finger Aperture Control,” Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience (SfN), Nov. 2021.

  • Ravichandran R, Patton J, and Park H, “A Novel Electro-prosthetic Proprioception by Distance-based Electrical Stimulation for Finger Aperture Control,” Annual Meeting of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Oct. 2021.

  • Zhao Z, Kim J, and Park H, “Individual Characterization of Drawing Pattern in a Pattern Lock Application of the Smartphone,” Annual Meeting of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Oct. 2021.

© 2024 by Hangue Park

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